You have a right:
- To be treated in a respectful, non-judgmental and non-discriminatory way,
- To receive appropriate, thorough and well-researched advice and/or referrals to other agencies,
- To understand our guidelines for providing legal services, which we will discuss and explain on request,
- To be treated with honesty, respect, dignity and regard for your privacy and confidentiality,
- To bring a support person when you attend this service,
- To an interpreter, if needed,
- For your information to be treated confidentially at all times, and
- To voice a concern or make a complaint
You have a responsibility:
- To treat staff, volunteers and other service users with respect at all times,
- To not act in a rude, aggressive or abusive manner towards staff, volunteers or other service users,
- To understand you are receiving a free legal advice appointment and that ongoing work/casework is resource intensive and is therefore available only in limited circumstances,
- To supply correct information about yourself and your situation so that staff fully understand what is happening and can assess how to best assist you,
- To participate actively with staff to resolve issues together,
- To act in a way that doesn’t put yourself or any other person at risk, or compromise any person’s safety,
- To arrive at your appointment on time, and
- To inform the Centre if you cannot make your appointment and reschedule if necessary.
Got a complaint or suggestion?
For any questions or suggestions regarding your rights and responsibilities, please contact:
The Director
Townsville Community Law Inc
PO Box 807
Phone: 07 4721 5511