We provide free legal and support services for seniors who are experiencing, witnessing or concerned about elder abuse, mistreatment or financial exploitation.
Elder abuse is any act within a relationship of trust which results in harm to an older person. It can include:
- Intentionally hurting a person, e.g., slapping, hitting or mistreating someone,
- Intentionally damaging another person’s property, e.g., hurting pets or breaking belongings,
- Verbal intimidation, humiliation, harassment or threats of physical harm or abandonment,
- Unwanted sexual approaches or indecent behaviour towards another person,
- Preventing a person from seeing others or denying them the right to make their own decisions, or
- Intentional or unintentional failure to provide adequate care.
Financial exploitation can include:
- Forced changes to a will or other legal documents,
- The illegal or improper use or misappropriation of a person’s property or finances,
- Denying someone the right to access and control their personal funds, or
- Unfair or fraudulent practices relating to retirement villages, aged rental accommodation or residential parks.
We can:
- Provide information, advice and support regarding elder abuse, mistreatment or financial exploitation,
- Provide short-term counselling,
- Provide information on your legal rights,
- Refer you to other legal, consumer and support services,
- Represent you in court or before tribunals (in certain circumstances), and
- Provide community education.
The Seniors Legal and Support Service cannot assist in all areas of law. We cannot prepare wills or powers of attorney; or provide advice on real estate, financial or investment planning. If we are unable to assist you, we will make every effort to refer you to an appropriate service.
If you are unable to visit our office, we can usually arrange a telephone consultation or a meeting at your home if you live in the Townsville area.